Bell krater, three actors dressing as satyrs.
Bell krater, three actors dressing as satyrs.

Attributed to the Tarporley Painter. Apulian, c. 400 BCE. Chau Chak Wing Museum NM 47.5

Funerary fresco, possibly a cattle raid?
Funerary fresco, possibly a cattle raid?

Paestum, Andriuolo T 114. 330-320 BCE. Museo Acheologico Nazionale di Paestum.

Amphora, mourners bringing offerings to a grave.
Amphora, mourners bringing offerings to a grave.

Attributed to the Brooklyn-Budapest Painter. Greek, Lucanian, c. 380 BCE. Louvre CA 308, K 531

Bell krater, female figure crowning youth.
Bell krater, female figure crowning youth.

Attributed to the Tarporley Painter. Apulian, c. 400 BCE. LACMA A5933.50.35.

Frontispiece of Antiquités Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, tirées du Cabinet de M. William Hamilton, Envoyé extraordinaire et plenipotentiare de S. M. Britannique en Cour de Naples
Frontispiece of Antiquités Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, tirées du Cabinet de M. William Hamilton, Envoyé extraordinaire et plenipotentiare de S. M. Britannique en Cour de Naples

Text by Baron D’Hancarville. 1767-77.

British Museum 2013,5007.2

 Lekythos, Artemis hunting accompanied by a fawn.
Lekythos, Artemis hunting accompanied by a fawn.

Attributed to the Providence painter. Greek, Attic, c. 480 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 41.162.18.

Man and centaur.
Man and centaur.

Greek, bronze, 8th century BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 17.190.2072.

Mixing bowl with panthers, sphinxes, goats, and lions.
Mixing bowl with panthers, sphinxes, goats, and lions.

Greek, Corinthian, c. 630-615 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 1997.36.

Plate, Potnia Theron with Gorgon head.
Plate, Potnia Theron with Gorgon head.

Greek, Kamiros, c. 600BC. British Museum 1860, 0404.2.

Gorgon on the handle of the François Vase.
Gorgon on the handle of the François Vase.

Greek, Italian, 570-470 BCE. Museo Archeologico di Firenze.

Shuvalov oinochoe, the sacrifice of Iphigenia.
Shuvalov oinochoe, the sacrifice of Iphigenia.

Greek, 450-400 BCE. Kiel Antikensammlung Kunsthalle B538.

Nashville Parthenon
Nashville Parthenon

Concrete and bronze. Nashville, Tennessee.

Votive relief of Bendis approached by victors.
Votive relief of Bendis approached by victors.

Greek, Athens, c. 400-375 BCE. British Museum 1895, 1028.1.

Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.
Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.

Baccio Baldini, woodblock print from illustration by Botticelli, Italian, 1481. New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. New York. Photo: Robert D. Rubic., N.Y.C.

Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.
Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.

Sandro Botticelli, ink and paper, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, The Vatican, MS Reg. lat. 1896. Photo: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.

Votive relief showing goats approaching Artemis.
Votive relief showing goats approaching Artemis.

Greek, Brauron, marble, 5th century BCE. Brauron Archaeological Museum 1157.

 Gorgon flanked by pant Gorgon flanked by panthers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu.hers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu
Gorgon flanked by pant Gorgon flanked by panthers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu.hers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu

Greek, limestone, c. 580 BCE.

Mask from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia.
Mask from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia.

Greek, Sparta, terracotta, (Dickins 1929; pl. LVII).

Stereograph of the Nashville Parthenon.
Stereograph of the Nashville Parthenon.

Tennessee Centennial, Nashville, TN, 1897. B.L. Singley (Keystone Viewing Co.). Library of Congress no. 6087.

Oinochoe, Artemis feeding a deer.
Oinochoe, Artemis feeding a deer.

Greek, Attic, 5th century BCE. Petit Palais 315.

Phrenological Chart from Nott and Gliddon’s Types of Mankind.
Phrenological Chart from Nott and Gliddon’s Types of Mankind.

Josiah Clark Nott and George Robins Gliddon. Types of Mankind: Or, Ethnological Researches, Based Upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and Upon Their Natural, Geographical, Philological and Biblical History. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Company, 1855, 458.

Potnia Theron on the handle of the François Vase.
Potnia Theron on the handle of the François Vase.

Greek, Italian, 570-470 BCE. Museo Archeologico di Firenze.

Nineteenth century reconstruction of Parthenon polychromy.
Nineteenth century reconstruction of Parthenon polychromy.

R. Menge, ed. Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen. Zweites Supplement. Leipzig: Verlag Von E.A. Seemann, 1893.

Etruscan sarcophagus with ketoi.
Etruscan sarcophagus with ketoi.

Photograph by Nandipha Mntambo, 2008. Brooklyn Museum.

© Nandipha Mntambo.

Album cover of KiCK i.
Album cover of KiCK i.

Arca as a satyr. Photograph by Carlotta Guerrero, 2021.

Bell krater, three actors dressing as satyrs.
Funerary fresco, possibly a cattle raid?
Amphora, mourners bringing offerings to a grave.
Bell krater, female figure crowning youth.
Frontispiece of Antiquités Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, tirées du Cabinet de M. William Hamilton, Envoyé extraordinaire et plenipotentiare de S. M. Britannique en Cour de Naples
 Lekythos, Artemis hunting accompanied by a fawn.
Man and centaur.
Mixing bowl with panthers, sphinxes, goats, and lions.
Plate, Potnia Theron with Gorgon head.
Gorgon on the handle of the François Vase.
Shuvalov oinochoe, the sacrifice of Iphigenia.
Nashville Parthenon
Votive relief of Bendis approached by victors.
Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.
Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.
Votive relief showing goats approaching Artemis.
 Gorgon flanked by pant Gorgon flanked by panthers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu.hers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu
Mask from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia.
Stereograph of the Nashville Parthenon.
Oinochoe, Artemis feeding a deer.
Phrenological Chart from Nott and Gliddon’s Types of Mankind.
Potnia Theron on the handle of the François Vase.
Nineteenth century reconstruction of Parthenon polychromy.
Etruscan sarcophagus with ketoi.
Album cover of KiCK i.
Bell krater, three actors dressing as satyrs.

Attributed to the Tarporley Painter. Apulian, c. 400 BCE. Chau Chak Wing Museum NM 47.5

Funerary fresco, possibly a cattle raid?

Paestum, Andriuolo T 114. 330-320 BCE. Museo Acheologico Nazionale di Paestum.

Amphora, mourners bringing offerings to a grave.

Attributed to the Brooklyn-Budapest Painter. Greek, Lucanian, c. 380 BCE. Louvre CA 308, K 531

Bell krater, female figure crowning youth.

Attributed to the Tarporley Painter. Apulian, c. 400 BCE. LACMA A5933.50.35.

Frontispiece of Antiquités Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines, tirées du Cabinet de M. William Hamilton, Envoyé extraordinaire et plenipotentiare de S. M. Britannique en Cour de Naples

Text by Baron D’Hancarville. 1767-77.

British Museum 2013,5007.2

Lekythos, Artemis hunting accompanied by a fawn.

Attributed to the Providence painter. Greek, Attic, c. 480 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 41.162.18.

Man and centaur.

Greek, bronze, 8th century BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 17.190.2072.

Mixing bowl with panthers, sphinxes, goats, and lions.

Greek, Corinthian, c. 630-615 BCE. Metropolitan Museum of Art 1997.36.

Plate, Potnia Theron with Gorgon head.

Greek, Kamiros, c. 600BC. British Museum 1860, 0404.2.

Gorgon on the handle of the François Vase.

Greek, Italian, 570-470 BCE. Museo Archeologico di Firenze.

Shuvalov oinochoe, the sacrifice of Iphigenia.

Greek, 450-400 BCE. Kiel Antikensammlung Kunsthalle B538.

Nashville Parthenon

Concrete and bronze. Nashville, Tennessee.

Votive relief of Bendis approached by victors.

Greek, Athens, c. 400-375 BCE. British Museum 1895, 1028.1.

Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.

Baccio Baldini, woodblock print from illustration by Botticelli, Italian, 1481. New York Public Library, Spencer Coll. New York. Photo: Robert D. Rubic., N.Y.C.

Illustration of Canto XII of Dante’s Inferno.

Sandro Botticelli, ink and paper, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, The Vatican, MS Reg. lat. 1896. Photo: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.

Votive relief showing goats approaching Artemis.

Greek, Brauron, marble, 5th century BCE. Brauron Archaeological Museum 1157.

Gorgon flanked by pant Gorgon flanked by panthers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu.hers, pediment of the temple of Artemis at Corfu

Greek, limestone, c. 580 BCE.

Mask from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia.

Greek, Sparta, terracotta, (Dickins 1929; pl. LVII).

Stereograph of the Nashville Parthenon.

Tennessee Centennial, Nashville, TN, 1897. B.L. Singley (Keystone Viewing Co.). Library of Congress no. 6087.

Oinochoe, Artemis feeding a deer.

Greek, Attic, 5th century BCE. Petit Palais 315.

Phrenological Chart from Nott and Gliddon’s Types of Mankind.

Josiah Clark Nott and George Robins Gliddon. Types of Mankind: Or, Ethnological Researches, Based Upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and Upon Their Natural, Geographical, Philological and Biblical History. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Company, 1855, 458.

Potnia Theron on the handle of the François Vase.

Greek, Italian, 570-470 BCE. Museo Archeologico di Firenze.

Nineteenth century reconstruction of Parthenon polychromy.

R. Menge, ed. Kunsthistorische Bilderbogen. Zweites Supplement. Leipzig: Verlag Von E.A. Seemann, 1893.

Etruscan sarcophagus with ketoi.

Photograph by Nandipha Mntambo, 2008. Brooklyn Museum.

© Nandipha Mntambo.

Album cover of KiCK i.

Arca as a satyr. Photograph by Carlotta Guerrero, 2021.

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